Megan's Letter
Megan Gilbreath believed nurses possess the qualities of compassion and healing and aspired to one day help to heal those who are sick, not just physically, but spiritually. She believed in the power of others to make changes in the lives of those around them. Two scholarships will awarded to a graduating seniors.
“My Dearest Nikki and Papa James,
The reason I am writing you this letter is to thank you both so much for all that ya’ll have done for me. These past eighteen years (which went by entirely too fast) have been so wonderful, I know that I am blessed beyond words and I have you two to thank for being apart of it all! All the memories I have include the two of you in one way or another. God has given me the most amazing gift of God-Parents! Some of my most cherished and precious memories are from being with the both of you. My first “wedding” (I am very proud to say that I was one of Nikki McDaniel’s first clients☺) Papa James reading Katie and I our bedtime stories after the reception, losing my tooth at MercyRanch and finding the toothfairy (Sarah) had bumped her head and lost some of her magic glitter dust on the door knob the morning after. The tooth fairy and her helpers sure wanted that tooth cause I got some pretty awesome stuff for it! ;) You both have been so grateful, and I can never thank you enough for all the memories and beautiful gifts you have given me. I will always hold those times I had with you close to my heart.
The greatest gift that I could ever receive, was the both of you being so strong in your Faith. Without the both of you telling me the stories of the Bible and relating those stories to the situations I go through everyday I would be a very unhappy and lost soul. Your Christian attitudes, examples and just being around your amazing love for the Lord I know that I would not be the person I am today. I honestly don’t think I can thank you both enough for this gift. I often fear of who I would be without the Lord. Because of you two and your examples as Christians, I accepted Jesus as my Savior when I was twelve years old. I can honestly say that I am proud of the person I am and I am thankful for the people that have helped make me who I am.
God has put you in my life for so many reasons one of them is why I am here at Angelo State.
I’ve been asked more times than I can count on why I am choosing nursing as my career choice in life. I have realized I did not choose this path, it chose me. I was raised not by just one of the best nurses in the world, but two. My own personal angels; My mother and my God-mother. Both of you are God’s most precious, smartest and beautiful nurses. The two of you have shown me how to live life by following my Christian values, and keeping a good head on my shoulders. Together you have shown me that if I want something I have to work hard, put my best foot forward and never ever give up. Your examples have gotten me to where I am today, there are not near enough thank you’s in this whole universe. I know that God gives us all special gifts to help spread His love and His word. I believe that He has given me the gift of compassion and healing, just as He chose my mother, you, papa James, and all the other nurses and doctors in this world to help heal those who are sick and to those who are hurting not only physically but spiritually. God put you both into my life to guide me in the path of becoming a nurse, and you both have taught me that no matter what I do, I will do it in a manner to serve the Lord. You both have been people whom I look up to. People that I want to grow up to be. You serve the Lord in so many ways and use your gifts to spread the word of Jesus Christ to those who need to hear His word. You both give hope to so many people who have never experienced what being loved feels like. I have felt the love and compassion that you give to those you meet around the world. You never judge, and I know that you would never look down upon someone because of where they are from or what they have done. I know that I am spoiled and have been given such an easy care free life. And at times I have taken things for granted. As I’m growing up I am beginning to realize that there are so many people around me who don’t have a third of the luxuries that I have become accustomed to. I want to become the amazing people you are, and I can only hope that I can touch as many as half of the live you have touched. God has sent me His two most beautiful, loving, and compassionate angels. I could never ask for anything more.
I thank Him for giving me you both and blessing my life with my two angels. You’re the most amazing God parents anyone could ask for and I am so thankful for you being in my life. Words cannot explain how much you have given me. I knew that you both were my beautiful angels from day one. I cannot thank you enough for spoiling me rotten and loving on me and much as you do. I wish that every child could have angels like you in their lives. If it were possible the world would be a much more loving and kind place! Thank you for this difference you have made and being such amazing role models and servants of God. I cannot wait to become a nurse and help those who are in need just like you do. Hopefully I will get the chance to work with you two and help be an angel to those who need one the most. You both are truly amazing and I can’t stress that enough. God has given the world such an amazing gift, by giving us you.
Growing up I looked at both of you as my second set of parents. And I feel like you should know that you both have given me the most amazing examples of how I should act as a Child of God. You were both my “heroes” you gave me some of the most valuable lessons and taught me how to share my gifts and talents with others as a Christian and use them as tools to teach others about God. You have helped tremendously in making me into the person I am today. All the things that you have done for me are more than I could ever ask for. You are two of the best parents in the world. Thank you.
I love you both so much and I miss you more than you can imagine.
I also want to thank you for being so amazing to my family. Your prayers, and love have been more than anything we could have ever asked for from anyone. I speak for everyone, Dad, Andrew, Aaron and Mom, by telling you that what you have done is truly appreciated, and you both have special places in all of our hearts. The generosity and hospitality you’ve given us will never be taken for granted.
Nikki, I speak for my mom by saying you’re the best friend she could ever ask for. You have gone above and beyond and I want to thank you for that! My mother is such an amazing woman and you never let her forget it and I hope I can be half of what she is. You are the sister she never had, and I know that you have touched her heart in so many ways. Thank you for being there for her during her times of need and being such a good friend. Words cannot express how much that means to me. I hope that I can find a friend who is as loving, caring, passionate and creative as you are. ”